About our practice
What is Convex?
As we go through the rigors of life we can become farsighted, looking towards goals, expectations, fears for the future. When we struggle with depression or trauma, we often focus back to painful moments of our lives. As a result we lose connection to the present.
Optometrists use convex lenses to treat patients with farsightedness so they are better able to see what is close to them. As a result, they can better manage what is right in front of them. Similarly, we help people focus on the here and now in therapy to better manage their lives. Rather than getting lost in the big picture of life, difficulties, and trauma, we help people focus in on what is important and useful in the moment.
We are seasoned clinicians in Minneapolis and St. Paul who have worked together for over a decade. We came together to form this practice based on shared values of service, the importance of relationships, and the power of mindfulness. We have a shared passion for building resilience and empowerment for our clients and believe in practicing with understanding and compassion. We believe in building client strengths and helping clients find motivation to live according to their own values.
Who are we?
A collaborative approach
The benefit of a group practice is that your providers can coordinate your care to deliver the best results. Often in couples therapy, partners or spouses will want individual therapy. Or it may come up in individual therapy that couples work would be helpful. It may also arise that children or teens need therapy as well. Families are complex, and we all believe in working as a team to address the nuanced needs that our clients have.