Couples therapy

Building relationship satisfaction for couples and partnerships of all types

A data driven approach

I believe in science. When expectations are vague and confusing, science is a useful way to have more objectivity when we try to figure out what is true about relationships and how to repair them. I use the Gottman method for couple’s therapy because it relies on scientifically validated tools and methods rather than general beliefs about what “should” work or how relationships “should” be. The Gottman method is a data driven approach that not only provides a proven roadmap to improving your relationship, it also relies heavily on a battery of assessments to provide specific information about what goes well and what needs to be improved in your relationship. What this means for you is that you will receive a couple’s therapy approach grounded in a scientifically validated strategy that is tailored to the specific needs of your relationship. The assessment data will give me the insight that I need to target the difficult parts of your interactions and build skills with you that will improve communication and overall happiness in your relationship.

Integrating sexuality

For me, sex therapy and couple’s therapy go hand-in-hand because relationships and sexuality are deeply connected. Unfortunately, I often hear that people had experience with couple’s therapy that never addressed their sexual lives. Because we live in a culture with such contradictory and negative information about sexuality, the role of sexuality in people’s relationships can be neglected. Also, because we live in a culture that is so confused about sexuality, our cultural norms about what we expect from a “healthy” sexual life can get pretty distorted. This can be especially challenging for clients who don’t entirely fit within these norms, including people of color, LGBTQ+ people, and nonmonogamous and polyamorous people. 

Providers for this service

Ben Snyder

Kimberly Sersland Brady

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