Children & Teens


The unique language of play

While it may seem a little strange on the surface, play can be one of the most useful ways for therapists to connect with children. I use play to meet them where they are and build a trusting dynamic that feels natural. I incorporate play, art, sand tray therapy interventions, work on increasing identification and expression of thoughts, feelings, and problem solving.

I also firmly believe in bringing parents into the therapy process with children. In this way I can help to bridge connections between parents and children and help parents to more effectively communicate. I often break up sessions to include individual time for the parent as needed.

Many parents want kids to have a trusted adult who their children can confide in. Therapy doesn’t always have to be about solving a problem or coping with a mental health diagnosis. Lots of parents use therapy for their kids proactively, facilitating emotional resiliency for their children, so they can handle difficulties of life moving forward


The value of a private confidante

Just about everyone who has been a teenager will tell you that this is a stressful time. Therapy can be a useful tool to help teens navigate the difficult paths they travel.

The tumultuous feelings in adolescence is a natural part of everyone’s development. This is an important time for teens to discover their own identities and build independence. Many parents find that their teens share less of their lives with them, making it harder to help them through this difficult time. Therapy can be an important way to provide a private confidante to help guide them in this sometimes painful process of self-discovery.

Therapy with me for teens often focuses on coping skills and mindfulness, and can incorporate games, fidgets, and artistic activities to help teens find comfort in the therapy room.

As with younger children, I believe it can be important to involve parents in the therapy work. I can help parents to facilitate the bond between them, as well as coaching them to improve their communication.

While I deal with a variety of issues in teen life, my specialties include test anxiety, relationship issues, increasing self-insight, mood fluctuations, navigating relationships, and managing academic and extracurricular stressors.

Providers for this service

Carrie Snyder