
A modern take on an ancient practice

The eyes are the window to the soul

For thousands of years and across cultures, we have known about the intrinsic connection between the eyes and the mind. It is so often observed in legend and folklore that eyes reveal people’s character and state of mind. In recent years we’ve come to understand how the eyes themselves impact the mind.

Brainspotting is one of a variety of neurologically informed practices (along with EMDR and ART) that focus on the connection between how we emotionally process our experiences and the behavior of our eyes.

The science

Behavioral science has also been increasignly focused on the mind-body connection. In very subtle ways our bodies respond to the emotions we feel, sometimes in ways we don’t even realize.

A brainspotting therapist is highly attuned to these responses and help people gain control of them. This changes the feedback loop so that the brain feels more safe and can function more effectively when dealing with difficult emotions

This is important because we can get stuck in our own heads that we lose touch with this mind-body connection. A brainspotting therapist can serve as an anchor for reprocessing feelings

Providers for this service

Carrie Snyder